Parenting is like the stock market. You invest a lot with very little return sometimes. When you do hit, however, you hit big with greater returns that you'd hoped for.--Mamma

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Banner Day

Today was a banner day in the Pumpkin Patch. Little Missy and I had fun making meatballs for a new recipe I tried for dinner, we then went to swimming school that included some play time for Queenie and a 25 minute workout on the elliptical trainer for Mama Pumpkin. (That I'm alive to tell you this speaks volumes of God's healing powers!) Then, after a nap this afternoon, Miss P. asked to ride her big girl bike that we'd purchased for her this past Easter because she has literally outgrown her tricycle. Just like potty training, something must have just clicked in her little mind to tell her it was alright to try. And, try she did. She mastered staying on her bike, making turns and peddling and only fell one time (hence the helmet). I was so elated and proud of my baby. In hindsight, I know this is yet one more reminder of how she is growing up and away from me. This is a good thing and a sad thing at the same time. This easily falls into the "be careful what you wish for" category. In crying out for free time and independent play, I'm also wishing my baby away. This is the sad reality of growth. Still, I have to be happy and proud of my three year old daughter riding a two wheeler bike with total abandon and glee. She didn't quit, never gave up or showed fear. I hope my daughter keeps these traits all the days of her life.

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