Parenting is like the stock market. You invest a lot with very little return sometimes. When you do hit, however, you hit big with greater returns that you'd hoped for.--Mamma

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Happy Holiday, Indeed

With only 10 days to go until Christmas, the Pumpkin Patch is having a delightful holiday season. This is the first year that Leena is aware of Santa and presents and all the lure of the season and she is beyond invested in the magic of it all. As someone who love the Christmas holiday anyway, Leena has been an added ray of light. I am so enjoying watching the holiday cartoons, singing carols and reading her the story of Jesus' birth so that she can (even if she doesn't fully understand it yet) know the fundamental reason for Christmas.

At three, Leena is talking in a constant state of filibustering. Her father can't seem to take it all in at times, having never been around a chatty toddler before. She talks in complete sentences and puts together stories and answers that boggle our minds. And, we're convinced Leena uses words that no three year old should know! I love when she sums up a movie or Backyardigans episode. Her eyes are wide and her tone is so serious....such the detail-oriented-mini-me! She can count to 50 and knows all her opposites. She knows mine, yours, ours; placement (frontward/backward); time (last night); well.....she knows everything.

Leena went to see Santa and when asked what she wants, replied: "an airplane, a helicopter and a hot air balloon." Santa asked if she likes to fly around a lot....Lord if he only knew! She also wants a Thomas the Train cake and lots of candy (I believe she confuses Jesus' birthday cake with her own). She looks at every toy catalog we receive (often while on the pot....too funny) and summarily asks for everything on the page. She wants snow because she believes Santa must have that to come in his sleigh with Rudolph and all the toys. Of course, Thorn, a boy in her class won't get toys according to her because he is bad.

Yes, it's a magical time of year, made more so by the vision of it all through a child's eyes. I count myself among the rare few to be so happy in life to have a wonderful husband and daughter to enjoy this holiday with. In a season marked by love, compassion, kindness and joy....I have that every day, all year through. Here, here, Tiny Tim; God Bless Us Everyone!

Merry Christmas!

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