Parenting is like the stock market. You invest a lot with very little return sometimes. When you do hit, however, you hit big with greater returns that you'd hoped for.--Mamma

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 26, 2010

Finally, a quiet moment to catch up on the blog. Where on earth does time go? I just said to my husband today that I'd like to stop time, take a nap, and then turn it back on so I'd be rested without having missed anything. Nice to dream, ha?

Is anyone else out there completely paralyzed about writing "2010?" I just can't seem to write 10 on my checks. I want to write zero something-or-other. And wasn't it just last week that it was 2009? Or, the new millenium for that matter? Since when does time need to fly at warp speed?

2009 is now fading quickly with January zooming by to begin month two of the new year. Our holiday was wonderful, filled with joy at Pumpkin's first real involvement in the Christmas spirit. She helped decorate, make cookies and wrap gifts with me this year. She finally got into Santa and it was wonderful to see sit on his lap with pure joy and wonderment. On top of this, she was just overjoyed about everything Christmas this year from the cartoons to the tree to was just one big happy moment after another. This little girl truly took my favorite holiday into the stratosphere of delight. The only disappointment of the entire season was having to visit my Mother in the nursing home. Nothing can bend your heart as quickly as spending the holiday with a parent in a home that isn't theirs where there is no real understanding of any particular moment in time.

DH continues to work mightily at his job which he still enjoys. Pumpkin goes to school three days a week all day and very much enjoys time with her friends, too. She has a few favorites (all boys) but has a couple girl friends, as well. She is a walking-talking bundle of energy of late. We had hoped it was related to the holiday season, but it appears to be a 3 1/2 year old thing. I'm sadly beginning to realize that it's true what was foretold to me: terrible two's are nothing; three and four can be just as rough. While the ratio is still 80-20, I'm starting to get the strong "no" response, an occasional tap/smack as if I'm being corrected and it can take half-an-hour to get our Little Missy to put toys away 0r follow any instruction. Meal time is a real pleasure because a house could be zoned, built, landscaped and decorated before Pumpkin finishes eating! The overall irony is that as rough and trying as I thought some things were before now, my patience is tried much more now.

Did anyone REALLY prepare me for this? No. Of course, can you ever really prepare? I'm still loving motherhood in general and, most specifically, mothering my Pumpkin. I often miss those times when she wanted to sleep between us at night and wish that I could crawl into bed and cuddle with her. While she is still a toddler, she is growing up and embracing that growth with open arms. I am not so welcoming. So, I don't fight the thumb-sucking and the occasional wet panties. And, if Pumpkin needs help with something that I know she can do herself, what the heck. It means I'm still Mama the answer God. Soon enough I'll be Mom who never let's me do ANYTHING! Why rush?

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