Parenting is like the stock market. You invest a lot with very little return sometimes. When you do hit, however, you hit big with greater returns that you'd hoped for.--Mamma

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sacraficial Limbs

Last night I had the pleasure of taking one for the team, as it were, by camping in with Pumpkin. Her Nana gave her an early birthday gift of a tent, so I popped it up in her toy room and we set out to pretend we were in the backyard under the stars. Four hours into the adventure Mama had to abandon ship as I couldn't feel my lower extremities and my back was about to break, so I woke my baby up and we toddled over to Nana's bed next door. This morning, I'm still feeling as though I lost the battle. Sadly, I know I will still have to do a real camping trip either in the backyard or at a site in the future. Was this in the manual? I don't recall....

It's been months since I last blogged and motherhood would surely be the reason. It's more than a full-time job, it's an all-consuming undertaking that often leaves you with the goal of getting through the day, let alone having the mental clarity to compose your thoughts. Add to this the fact that we moved in April, which meant I had to pack up our townhouse and then unpack our new house. (DH's job demands mean that I'm basically a single-parent with an occasional contractor available for small, odd jobs.) Needless to say, I've had much to write about, just no time.

My dear Pumpkin will soon turn four and she is a bundle of energy, imagination and thoughts, all of which she likes to share with me. In the past month her language has exploded and it's delightful to hear what comes out of her head and mouth. (I actually keep a diary of the funny things she says.) She sings, whistles and dances her way through most days, although there are those times when all I get from her are grunts, crossed arms and a stomping foot.

Pumpkin is out of school for the summer and will likely stay home with me this next year before kindergarten. We didn't think she was really learning at Goddard School, and the expense of the new home pretty much made up our minds about whether or not to continue there. She and I have been taking road trips and going to carnivals so far and we joined the local pool. So, I think she's having a great vacation so far. I just hope she remembers it.

Off I go now to start my day and get some work done before heading off to the pool. It's to be a hot one and me and the heat are not good friends.

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