Parenting is like the stock market. You invest a lot with very little return sometimes. When you do hit, however, you hit big with greater returns that you'd hoped for.--Mamma

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pumpkin at 23 Months

Last week our little one celebrated her 23-month-old birthday, cruising right along to the Big Number 2. (She has learned to hold up two fingers in preparation!!) I cannot believe how fast time is flying and how quickly our baby is growing. I treasure each time she sucks her thumb if only because it shows me that there is still a little baby in there, after all. Thus far, the 'Terrible Two's' haven't begun full throttle yet, however recently there have been days where boundaries were being tested and the words "no" and "stop" were clearly not in her vernacular.

Pumpkin continues to blossom and grow and learn at a remarkable pace. Her vocabulary is growing day-by-day and she is now using sentences such as: "Where is she? I don't know," "There it is," and "I did it." She can be quite Cheeky at times, for example when she knows she's doing or about to do something she's not supposed to she'll look at DH or I and say "I love you, Daddah (or Mamma)." She also sings along to the theme from Elmo's World, the ABC song through about H and "I Love You," by Barney. She knows the colors red, blue, pink, purple, yellow and green. She knows the shapes circle, square, triangle, heart and octagon. She can identify her head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, belly, heart, hands and feet. She knows upside down. It's just an amazing thing in that every day she seems to say or do something new. Her favorite toys are her 'puter' (computer), flash cards, shape block, ABC book, cars, train, bubbles and bi-till (tricycle). She also loves the huge dirt pile beside our home that I'm sure she believes the developer made just for her. She toddles out to it every chance she has with her bucket and shovel to dig, fill and spill.

Physically, at 23 months, Pumpkin is 34 pounds (on our scales) and we believe she has passed the 36-inch mark in height. (Mamma and Daddy truly believe our backs are telling us she's gained weight and length.) I believe she is beginning to grow out of her size 7 shoes and wears a 3 or 4T clothing, depending on where it comes from. At the local baby water park this past week another two year old was there and her Mom told me her daughter was considered big for two; Pumpkin was at least a foot taller and generally bigger than her (and she has a month to go until she turns two)!

Pumpkin continues to be a healthy, happy, ornery, expressive, creative, strong little girl and we just marvel at her daily. I'm quite certain she's spoiled to at least some degree, but I don't care. Even if it comes back to bite me, so what? As Nana says, "she is just delightful."

So, now the countdown begins until the big birthday party for Pumpkin (her first with Mamma and Daddy) and in fact, there will be two. We will be having a "hish" themed party (that's fish for the layman) since they, too are Pumpkin's favorites. Mamma is working to get all the details buttoned up around doctor visits, surgeries and business projects so that we can fully celebrate the birth of this most precious child that has been given to us.

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